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Fractional Services: Custom Solutions for your Brand's Growth

I am assuming you just thought, “wait...I thought Spark only did Construction Management and Millwork?” 

About 80% of the time, you are right! Managing new Franchise builds makes up most of our days at Spark FS. That other 20% is dedicated to our Fractional Services offerings - which in turn, makes the other 80% efficient, smooth, and scalable. With a record number of new concepts reaching out (hello there!), I thought it was time to share more on our Fractional Services offerings, and how they can fill in the gaps as your concept grows.

As your brand sees more demand, a lot of chicken/egg situations (a technical term) seem to arise. You need the team to support your expansion, but first, you need the locations to support your team! This can result in growing pains that look like overworked team members who struggle to learn, manage, and juggle it all. While we are endlessly impressed by what we see small teams accomplish, we wanted to step in, contribute our expertise where needed, and help bridge the gap of growth – keeping your team inspired and energized for the growth ahead! 

Our Fractional Services are the resource to fill that gap.  We can step in and give the support, coaching, and tools to prepare your team for your growth.  This can look different for every team – depending on your internal strengths, interests, and talents. It can be as small as preparing some Conceptual Renderings or as involved as stepping in as an Interim Director of Construction. Wherever needed, we are here to help you coach your team and best utilize your assets – filling in the gaps as needed. All our Construction Management services have a Fractional Services counterpart.  

Take a look below! 

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Our goal is like training wheels – we are onboard as long as you need us, but eventually, you will be able to ride off with your friends. We will share your joy as you start to handle the big picture stuff on your own while we continue to support your franchisees through their Construction Management + Millwork processes!  


Spark has fixed monthly fees or hourly services available to prepare your brand for scalability, customized to your current status and goals. We can fill in your current internal staffing gaps as your concept + construction ramps up, and assist in training your internal staff as it becomes a full-time need!

Does your concept need some additional assistance to best prepare for anticipated growth needs? Reach out today and let us know if you are Team Chicken or Team Egg for a signing bonus!